As a matter of courtesy, Members are asked to notify the Whiff of any cancellation at latest by 4PM on the Thursday preceding an event.
If you and/or your guest can not attend, please use the pingg webpage to change your event response first. A link to the Event’s webpage can be found in the pingg event emails sent to you – invitation, confirmation note or reminder notes.
Cancellations after 4PM on the Thursday preceding an event will be considered ‘No Shows’. Please also send an email regarding your late cancellation to Unfortunately, the Whiff must recover from Members, Associates, Alumnus or Out-of-Town Members whatever the hosting venue charges us for the No Shows. N.B., although Full Members have effectively prepaid, please remember that a notice of a cancellation at any time will possibly save the Whiff unnecessary expense and help keep annual dues lower in the future.
Late cancellation charges: Members may be charged for late cancellations in the event that the Whiff incurs costs associated with the late cancellation. If a late cancellation charge is to be passed on to a member, the Chairman will contact the offending member prior to the charge being levied.
The RCYC requires our attendance commitment on Thursday at 4pm. Cancellations after this time may incur a penalty.