Ms Lang will talk about her new book to be published in early April: “The Beauty of Discomfort, The importance of embracing the hard things about change.” It’s about how even when we know WHAT we should do, we often don’t, and aims to show how we can overcome that!
The groundbreaking new book from the bestselling author of The Power of Why.
Most of us don’t like pushing ourselves too hard, admitting we don’t know or stretching too far outside of our comfort zone. But embracing discomfort is an important tool for success. It’s a secret known by everyone from ballroom dancers to stand-up comics to the Marines. Discomfort is not the same as fear or anxiety, and, more important, knowing how to take advantage of discomfort is not an innate ability—but it’s something that we all can learn. The Beauty of Discomfort draws on cutting-edge neuroscience and provides examples and strategies from all over the world to help you become more creative, more innovative and more effective in your work and life.