John Anderson Fraser, The Monarchy in Canada: an update, February 28, 2023

RSVP by Feb 23rd to attend in person.
[N.B., this will not be a Whiff@Home meeting.]

Click here to jump to the RSVP below the speaker’s bio.

John Fraser is no stranger to the Whiff membership. John first spoke to us 12 years ago, when his topic was Through a glass darkly: Why academics (and journalists) should never try to predict anything. His most recent talk was at our November 2020 Whiff@Home meeting on What to do about China!. Following that meeting, he became a member of the Whiff.

John Fraser has been a reporter, columnist, editor, ombudsman and benefactor. (Click for more biographic details.)

With the passing of Elizabeth Regina and the upcoming coronation of our new King, John’s many years of being an ardent proponent and debater in defence of the Crown make him the ideal speaker to give us an Update on the Monarchy in Canada. He graciously acquiesced to the Speakers Bureau’s request to speak to us again, this time about how things have changed since his 2012 book The Secret of the Crown: Canada’s Affair with Royalty. Whiffers, family and friends will enjoy another thought provoking talk by a great Canadian journalist.

The meeting will be held at the Royal Canadian Military Institute, 426 University Ave. Unfortunately as our tech gurus are both travelling, there won’t be a Whiff@Home option for this meeting.

Join fellow Whiffers on Tuesday, February 28th
The reception at the RCMI begins at 6:00 pm.

Sorry, but the deadline to RSVP for this meeting has passed.