Category Archives: Past

April 28, 2015: Canada’s Naval Leap into the War on Terror – ​Captain Gary Hatton RCN

Captain Gary Hatton RCN

April 28, 2015
Captain Gary Hatton RCN, Canadian Forces College Foundation, Independent Corporate Director, Last Post Fund Ontario Branch

Gary will speak about his 2 years in Command of HMCS MONTREAL which encompassed 9/11, the Bali Bombings, the Yemen Tanker attack, the Iraq invasion and numerous other life changing events! Among many he will describe an experience he had conducting /safeguarding a US troop ship carrying 15,000 men through the Strait of Hormuz during the Persian Gulf War. He was 6 miles from shore and threatened by the possibility of Iranian missiles.
Continue reading April 28, 2015: Canada’s Naval Leap into the War on Terror – ​Captain Gary Hatton RCN

March 31, 2015: 149 Paintings You Really Need to See in Europe (So You Can Ignore the Others) – Julian Porter, FAMILY NIGHT

Julian Porter

March 31, 2015
Julian Porter Q.C.

Julian Porter, Q.C. has practised litigation exclusively since his call to the Bar in 1964 and is recognized by the Law Society of Upper Canada as a specialist in civil litigation. He now practices as independent counsel. He has appeared before all levels of Court, in every kind of civil, commercial and criminal proceeding. He acts as defence counsel for professionals and he is fond of appearing before juries.
Continue reading March 31, 2015: 149 Paintings You Really Need to See in Europe (So You Can Ignore the Others) – Julian Porter, FAMILY NIGHT

Jan 27, 2015: The “Pope” of Sailing – Paul Henderson

paul-hendersonJanuary 27, 2015
Paul Henderson, B.A.Sc., P. Eng., Olympian, past ISAF President

Living on Toronto Island around boats and sailing, Paul Henderson learned the basics of the sport, as well as the values and importance of sport early in life. He became a very active competitor in sailing, winning medals at World, North American and USA National Championships. He has the record of having competed in all the Canadian Olympic Sailing Trials from 1948 to 1984; having represented Canada at three Olympic Games: 1964, 1968 and 1972; and would have in 1980 but for the Olympic boycott against the Soviet Union.
Continue reading Jan 27, 2015: The “Pope” of Sailing – Paul Henderson

Nov 25, 2014: The Arab World In Turmoil – Naeem U. Hasan

Naeem Hasan
Naeem Hasan MA, MPA, MSC

November 25, 2014
Naeem U. Hasan, MA, MPA, MSC, Ambassador (retired)

Naeem Hasan is a retired career diplomat and political analyst specialising in the Muslim World and South Asian affairs. Besides his student days at the American University in Beirut, when he was also a part time journalist, he has spent a good part of his 35 year diplomatic career in the Arab world on assignments in Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Syria (as Ambassador). He was also posted in the Pakistan Embassies in Prague, Belgrade and served as Ambassador to Sweden with concurrent charge for Iceland, Estonia and Latvia.

He did a long stint in senior positions, including Chef du Cabinet of the Secretary General at the Jeddah based Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – the Muslim UN with membership of 57 countries. During this period he travelled extensively on official missions over the entire Muslim world spanning from Indonesia to North Africa. He was the OIC’s point man for dealing with the UN and other international and regional organisations.
Continue reading Nov 25, 2014: The Arab World In Turmoil – Naeem U. Hasan

Oct 28, 2014: Speaker, Author, Adventurer – James Raffan

1297311501783_ORIGINALOctober 28, 2014
James Raffan, BSc, BEd, MEd, PhD Queen’s University Director, The Canadian Canoe Museum

James is a prolific writer, speaker, and adventurer who is currently the Director of Development at The Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough, Ontario.

For 19 years a Professor of Outdoor & Experiential Education at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, over the years he has produced 16 books and written for media outlets including Canadian Geographic, National Geographic, Explore, The Globe and Mail, as well as for CBC Radio and The Discovery Channel.
Continue reading Oct 28, 2014: Speaker, Author, Adventurer – James Raffan

Sep 30, 2014: Foreign Corruption – Ignorance is No Longer Bliss – Sandy Boucher

20140930 Boucher-2September 30, 2014
Sandy Boucher, Senior Manager, Forensic and Dispute Resolution Services, Grant Thornton LLP, BSc University of Sheffield, CFE

Senior Manager, Forensic and Dispute Resolution Services, Grant Thornton LLP, BSc University of Sheffield, CFE

Sandy Boucher and his investigative research team execute and manage large and complex fraud investigations, international due diligence enquiries, international asset tracing and recovery cases, litigation support, fraud and anti-bribery corruption investigations. Solving such cases can be likened to a complex jigsaw puzzle and requires reliable sources to help piece information together.
Continue reading Sep 30, 2014: Foreign Corruption – Ignorance is No Longer Bliss – Sandy Boucher