Continue reading Sue Lougheed Thompson: The Paradox of a Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis – A Personal Reflection, February 26, 2019
Geordie Hyland, on the U.S. ‘distance learning’ revolution, January 29, 2019
Brief summary
Geordie is a C-level executive in the education field. His online education experience in the United States includes K-12, Higher Ed and Continuing Medical Education (CME), in North America and internationally. Geordie has held management positions overseeing large teams of educators as well as roles in Ed Tech and social entrepreneurship.
Full bio
Geordie Hyland is Executive Vice President at Ultimate Medical Academy (UMA), a nonprofit healthcare educational institution based in Tampa, Florida that employs more than 2,000 faculty and staff and serves 15,000 online students and 45,000 alumni across the United States.
Continue reading Geordie Hyland, on the U.S. ‘distance learning’ revolution, January 29, 2019
Michael Adams, President Environics and author of ‘Could It Happen Here? November 27, 2018
November 27th – Michael Adams, President of the Environics group of research and communications consulting companies and author of “Could it Happen Here? Canada in the age of Trump and Brexit”.
Continue reading Michael Adams, President Environics and author of ‘Could It Happen Here? November 27, 2018
Councillor Jaye Robinson, October 30, 2018
Jaye Robinson is a Canadian politician who was elected to Toronto City Council in the 2010 city council election, defeating Cliff Jenkins in Ward 25. Previously, Robinson had run against Jenkins in 2003. The close race was marked by an election night error. The city website announced that, with all the ballots in, Jenkins had lost to Robinson by 30 votes. However, only 90% of the votes had actually been counted, and by the time the full count was completed two hours later, Jenkins had pulled into the lead by 80 votes and held on to win.
Continue reading Councillor Jaye Robinson, October 30, 2018
Eleanor McGrath, documentary filmmaker, ‘Forgotten’, 2016, September 25, 2018
‘Forgotten’ is a 2016 documentary film about the Canadian ‘British Home Children’ experience from 1869-1940+ during which time some 100,000 children were sent to Canada from the UK. As a result, about one in every nine families in Canada descend in some way from a ‘home child’. September 28th will mark Canada’s first British Home Child Day.
Continue reading Eleanor McGrath, documentary filmmaker, ‘Forgotten’, 2016, September 25, 2018
June Bash, Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Our traditional June Bash will be held at the Toronto Hunt Club
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Arrival: 5:45pm
Cocktails, canape and hors d’oeuvre
Call to Dinner: 7:15
Dinner: 7:30
Depart: 10pm
We return to the spectacular Toronto Hunt Club for another great evening this year. It will be a fitting finale to our 2017-18 campaign – we hope to see you all on the lakeshore on Tuesday, June 5th!
The evening will be a purely social event without a speaker allowing time to stroll the property overlooking the lake and catch up on the year.
Please refer to your personalized invitation for payment instructions.
Larry D. Rose: Ten Decisions: Canada’s Best, Worst and Most Far-Reaching Decisions of the Second World War, April 24, 2018
Larry D. Rose is the author of the newly-released Ten Decisions: Canada’s Best, Worst and Most Far Reaching Decisions of the Second World War.
Continue reading Larry D. Rose: Ten Decisions: Canada’s Best, Worst and Most Far-Reaching Decisions of the Second World War, April 24, 2018
Tim Burrows Talks Electric Cars, March 27, 2018
Tim Burrows is a retired Vice President of Forty Creek Distillery and a graduate of the University of Toronto. He is an member of GHEVA (Golden Horseshoe Electric Vehicle Association), the Southern Ontario Tesla Owners Club and the Electric Vehicle Society. Tim and his wife Lesley have lived in Carlisle for the past 23 years.
Continue reading Tim Burrows Talks Electric Cars, March 27, 2018
No Gut No Glory, Lorene Sauro, B.A., R.H.N. February 27, 2018
Gut health is a hot topic but what does it mean? Discover the unfolding story of the trillions of bacteria that we live with everyday and how they determine everything about us. If we want to be the best we can be, avoid debilitating health conditions, then we really need to understand our gut bacteria and how they help us thrive. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes all have a gut health connection – everything does but so does longevity, better brain function and vitality. Learn the essentials of feeding your gut in order to thrive and be glorious.
Continue reading No Gut No Glory, Lorene Sauro, B.A., R.H.N. February 27, 2018
Dr. Danielle Martin, “Better Now: Six Big Ideas to Improve Health Care for All Canadians”, Women’s Night, January 30th, 2018
Dr. Danielle Martin MD, CCFP, FCFP, MPP
Vice-President Medical Affairs & Health System Solutions & Senior Fellow, WCH Institute for Health System Solutions and Virtual Care
Continue reading Dr. Danielle Martin, “Better Now: Six Big Ideas to Improve Health Care for All Canadians”, Women’s Night, January 30th, 2018